Advantages of HLS Plant
1. Screen moves back for easy access to cone for liner changes. No need to remove chute.
2. Overhead conveyor crane port.
3. Screen lifts into position to feed center of cone and allows large head of marerial to force feed cone.
4. Overflow chute feeds back to cone discharge conveyor.
5. Blending gate system allows combining of center deck with bottom deck and bottom deck with center deck in 25% increments.
6. New style brass on v-seat
7. Screen deck deflectors under second deck to increase screen efficiency.
Additional Options With Our Plant
1. Switchgear panel with 2 extra 25hp starters.
2. 6 run-on jacks
3. Magnetic head pulley on under crusher conveyor.
4. Chute to convey scrap steel dropped from megnetic head pulley off rear end of plant.
5. Superior impact bed in overhead conveyor hopper in place of impact idlers.
6. Screen side plate extentions to protect side plates and prevent screen over flow.
7. Special running gear: air ride suspension in place of leaf springs.